Alyshia – A Girl En Route

Meet Alyshia – A Girl En Route. Alyshia describes herself as a maple syrup loving, poutine eating Canadian who runs from the snow any chance she can get.

Her passion for photography and travel writing grew into what is now her travel blog, A Girl En Route. Alyshia has travelled to over 25 countries.

We sat with Alyshia this month to know more about her, her blog, and her passion for travelling.


Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers
Hi, I’m Alyshia! I’m a maple syrup loving, poutine eating Canadian who runs from the snow any chance I can get. When I was 16, I took a trip to Poland with my grandpa to visit his hometown Tomaszów, Lubelski. A countryside Polish village – population: 12 chickens. It was my first real trip abroad where I navigated pierogies and Żywiec and ultimately fell head over heels with travel.
My passion for photography and travel writing grew into what is now my travel blog, A Girl En Route. I’ve spent the past decade sharing personal experiences, photography and travel tips across my blog and social media and I’ve been lucky enough to travel to over 25 countries. I spent the last four years living my tropical sock-free dream in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and just recently I’ve settled back home here in Toronto!

Tell us about your education.
I have an Undergraduate Degree in Health Science from Western University in London, Ontario as well as a Master of Arts in Educational Studies from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. I moved back to Canada in September to pursue a Bachelor of Education at York University, which is currently where I am studying.

How and when did you decide to become a blogger?
I’ve always had a love for writing. English was my favourite subject in elementary school and on the weekends I’d force my parents to listen to my open-mic short story performances. Later, when I realized I could pair travel, photography and writing altogether it seemed like my worlds collided. It felt destined that my hobbies transformed into my travel blog over the years. My love for sharing, writing and photographing my travels was never something that wavered and is still something I’m passionate about today!

At what point did you begin to gain tons of followers, and how did that feel?
In 2017 I packed two bags and hopped on a plane to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for what I thought would be one year abroad. Little did I know, I would be calling Saigon home for the next four. Living in Vietnam was what really helped to kickstart my following. I wanted to showcase Vietnam for all of its beauty and I think that’s what drew the crowd. I loved that people were enjoying my photos as much as I was and were inspired to travel to Vietnam. That made me extremely happy!

How would you best describe what you do?
The best way to describe what I do is a mixture of travel writing, content creation and photography. My blog, A Girl En Route is my space to share advice, hacks and adventures to help inspire others to book that trip or spark some excitement to visit that local cafe!

If you were to list top 5 reasons for your success as a blogger, what would those be?
If I had to list five reasons why I might be a successful blogger, I would say that:

1. My adventurous side pushes me to explore new foods, cultures, countries and experiences which allow me to share what I do online
2. I have a good eye when it comes to photography
3. I love editing and post-production, my patience levels when it comes to this are top notch
4. I always like to tell stories with my photos and videos and make my readers feel like they came along for the ride.
5. I’m honest and matter-of-fact when it comes to my advice and recommendations

What social media platforms do you use to engage with your followers and why?
I mainly use Instagram to engage with others because it’s the easiest platform to communicate and build friendships! I also use Facebook, Pinterest, WordPress and TikTok, but Instagram has always been the bread to my butter in terms of connecting!

How do you keep yourself updated on the latest trends and locations to visit?
I am constantly scouring Pinterest and Instagram for the latest trends and inspiration. My fellow travel bloggers also give me endless amounts of inspiration and wanderlust when it comes to travel. My never ending bucket-list of locations to visit is thanks to them!

Please share top mistakes you’ve learnt from your journey as a Blogger.
The top mistakes I’ve learned from being a blogger are:
1. Post it. At a certain point, I had to realize that perfection is a construct, it doesn’t exist, and I had to get my content out there and not over analyze it.
2. Choosing a blog name that didn’t resonate with an audience or niche. Before choosing A Girl En Route I used variations of my name which didn’t help to represent my unique point of view.
3. How I was writing. I needed to learn to write what people were searching for, that’s what brings in the traffic.

Blogging is increasingly becoming competitive. Do you think it will be a good choice for newbies to opt for blogging in the coming years?
I think if you are passionate about sharing your experiences through writing, then you should blog about it! Even if the market seems competitive, you never know who might be listening, who might resonate with your voice and who you might find a connection with!

Your photos are amazing. Who takes your photos?
Thank you! I do take all of my own photos, but sometimes my friends and family will step in and help me get that perfect angle!

What has been one of your favourite travel moments?
If I had to choose just one, I would say my motorbike trip through Vietnam’s northern province was definitely a highlight. High in the mountains of Vietnam lies the sleepy town of Ha Giang where the roads wind through breathtaking mountains, terraced rice fields and valleys of beautiful wildflowers. My 4 day road trip was full of unforgettable turquoise canyons, narrow winding passes and some of Vietnam’s beautiful Ethnic Minority tribes, this backroad road trip was a total dream come true for me!

Where have you travelled outside of Canada?
I’ve been to Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Germany, Monaco, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, France, England, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Austria, Mexico and the USA.

What have you learned about yourself while blogging?
Through blogging I have really been able to lean into my passion for writing, traveling and photography. Traveling has challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone, experience life in a totally different way and learn from the new cultures I encountered. Blogging allows me to take what I’ve learned and write! Writing is a powerful tool because it helps you understand who you are and what it is you want. Through travel writing I’m able to constantly learn about myself and it provides me with a constant urge to continue learning!

Can you please share with us a “day in the life”?
My days tend to range between blogging, creating content and doing course work.

When did you start landing brand sponsorships and what do you think made that happen?
I started landing brand sponsorships while I was living in Vietnam. I would be invited to check out cute cafes, dreamy hotels and beautiful restaurants where my photography helped promote the brand and the experience they were looking to portray. I think my ability to take photos and share my experience in depth on Instagram and my blog helped me to land partnerships that worked with what A Girl En Route is all about!

What are the 3 most stunning places that you have ever visited in Toronto?
This is so hard to narrow down! The three most stunning places I’ve visited in Toronto would have to be:

1. Kensington Market
2. The Aga Khan Museum
3. Rosalinda Restaurant

Do you feel that blogging takes time away from your social or family life?
No, I don’t feel blogging takes time away from my social and family life. If anything, it gives me an opportunity to go out with the people I love most and spend time with them experiencing new places! My friends and family are always keen on an adventure, even if it’s for the purpose of my blog!

Do you have any funny travel or blogging stories?
One of my funniest travel stories, which in hindsight is funnier now, was on a backpacking trip in Thailand with my sister. We had spent the entire day getting from Bangkok to Khao Sok National Park where we checked into our floating hotel in the middle of the gorgeous park. It was beautiful and we were beyond excited to be there. We arrived just in time for dinner and the cooks loaded our plates with mountains of deliciousness. After dinner we sat on the dock, just soaking in the happiness we felt being there. When it was time to turn in, my stomach no longer felt the same.
Because the accommodation was in the middle of a huge national park it meant that all generators were shut off at “lights out.” No electricity, just darkness. Let’s just say it was not the ideal time for my stomach to conk out and I spent the next 8 hours hanging over the small porta-potty heaving and spewing my life away. The best part? The toilet, which wasn’t much of a toilet and it was actually just a hole leading straight down into the water. As my poor sister held her phone light above me, I watched the tiny fish come up and eat the remains of my dinner.

In general, what are your biggest dreams in life?
My biggest dream has always been to experience as many countries as possible. I want to eat a real bunny chow in South Africa, swim with the island pigs in the Bahamas and pick my jaw up off the floor when I go to Jordan to see Petra in real time. I would love to live and teach abroad again and one day, hopefully, write and publish a book.

Tell us your Favorite quote(s).
“We have more possibilities available each moment than we realize” Thich Nhat Hanh
“A good person can make another person good” Bhumibol Adulyadej

What do you do when you are not writing or working on social media?
When I’m not writing or working on social media you can usually find me cafe hopping or eating my way around the city! I’m also always working on my courses to finish up my Bachelor of Education, so right now that takes up a lot of my free time.

What are some of your other hobbies?
I really love cooking and trying out new recipes when I have some spare time. Last week I made
bánh xèo, which is a crispy and savory Vietnamese pancake and you know what, it was almost as good as the real thing!
I also love a good at home D.I.Y. Currently, I’m renovating my cottage and there’s just something so satisfying about being able to say I did that myself.

Your message for us at TOPS (TorontoPages).
Thank you so much for having me and taking the time to share my experiences! It’s so important to see and hear the voices of others in the community! I’m looking forward to reading all of your interviews, stories and publications!

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